Course curriculum

    1. Quantum Prayer Introduction Session 1

    2. Quantum Prayer Non-locality & Spirit Session 2

    3. Quantum Prayer Non-locality & Spirit Session 3

    4. Quantum Prayer Non-locality & Spirit Session 4

    5. Quantum Prayer Non-locality & Spirit Session 5

    6. Reflection Questions "WEEK 1: NON-LOCALITY & THE SPIRIT"

    1. Quantum Prayer Entanglement & Union Session 6

    2. Quantum Prayer Entanglement & Union Session 7

    3. Quantum Prayer Entanglement & Union Session 8

    4. Quantum Prayer Entanglement & Union Session 9

    5. Quantum Prayer Entanglement & Union Session 10

    6. Reflection Questions "WEEK 2 ENTANGLEMENT & UNION WITH CHRIST"

    1. Quantum Prayer Superposition & the Supernatural Session 11

    2. Quantum Prayer Superposition & Objective Reality Session 12

    3. Quantum Prayer Superposition & Mindgames Session 13

    4. Quantum Prayer Superposition & the Fullness of Christ Session 14

    5. Quantum Prayer Superposition & a Throne In Heaven Session 15


    1. Quantum Prayer The Observer Effect & Outcomes Session 16

    2. Quantum Prayer The Observer Effect & Freedom From Legalism Session 17

    3. Quantum Prayer The Observer Effect & Staying Christocentric Session 18

    4. Quantum Prayer The Observer Effect & Christian Orthodoxy Session 19

    5. Quantum Prayer The Observer Effect & Christ's Eyes Session 20

    6. Reflection Questions "WEEK 4 THE OBSERVER EFFECT & OUTCOMES"

    1. Quantum Prayer Coherence, Constructive & Destructuce Interference Session 21

    2. Quantum Prayer Coherence & Abiding in Christ Session 22

    3. Quantum Prayer Abiding is Constructive Coherence Session 23

    4. Quantum Prayer Walking After the Flesh & Destructive Coherence Session 24

    5. Quantum Prayer Adjusting our State of Coherence Session 25

    6. Reflection Questions "Week 5 – Coherence"

    1. Quantum Prayer Quantum Resonance & Faith Session 26

    2. Quantum Prayer Quantum Resonance & the Ministry of Jesus Session 27

    3. Quantum Prayer Quantum Resonance & Words Session 28

    4. Quantum Prayer Get in Tune with Christ's Frequency Session 29

    5. Quantum Prayer Resonance & the Goodness of God Session 30

    6. Reflection Questions "Week 6 Resonance"

About this course

  • $50.00 / month
  • 48 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content

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