Course curriculum

    1. 01 Words Change Meaning

    2. 02 God - The "gods" of the Old Testament Period

    3. 03 The "gods" of the New Testament Period

    4. 04 Moving From Polytheism to Monotheism

    5. 05 Jesus Is the Expression of God

    6. 06 Jesus Christ - "Who Do You Say That I Am?"

    7. 07 Ancient Voices on Jesus

    8. 08 Modern Voices On Jesus

    9. 09 More Modern Voices on Jesus

    10. 10 Jesus Isn't Enlightened but IS the Light

    11. 11 Holy Spirit

    12. 12 Early Controversy About the Spirit

    13. 13 Modern Differences About the Spirit

    14. 14 The Person and Power of the Holy Spirit

    15. 15 The Spirit is Holy

    16. 16 "Human" - Ancient Western Philosophy

    17. 17 "Human" - Ancient Eastern Philosophy

    18. 18 "Human" - Abrahamic Religions

    19. 19 "Human" Modern Views

    20. 20 "Human" - Postmodern and Christocentric View

    21. 21 Sin and a Forgotten Image

    22. 22 Sin in Ancient Literature

    23. 23 Aristotle and Sin

    24. 24 Iniquities and Transgressions

    25. 25 Know Yourself

    26. 26 Salvation is Deliverance

    27. 27 Are We Saved From Hell?

    28. 28 Saved From Shame

    29. 29 Saved From Blame

    30. 30 Saved to Know Him

    31. 31 "Christian"

    32. 32 Defining "Christian"

    33. 33 Christian Judgmentalism and Exclusion

    34. 34 Christian Hypocrisy

    35. 35 Christian Love

    36. 36 Death

    37. 37 What happens when we die?

    38. 38 Spiritual Witnesses On the Other Side

    39. 39 Heaven and Hell

    40. 40 Our Final State

    41. 41 Christian Service

    42. 42 Opportunity, Not Obligation

    43. 43 Participation, Not Peformance

    44. 44 Others, Not Ourselves

    45. 45 To Serve Others is to Serve Him

About this course

  • $50.00 / month
  • 45 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

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