Course curriculum

    1. 01 Introduction to Beyond the Walls

    2. 02 Enlightenment

    3. 03 Enlightenment or Dogma

    4. 04 It Takes Courage

    5. 05 Letting Go of Sacred Cows

    6. 06 Christian or Cultish?

    7. 07 More Cultish Characteristics

    8. 08 What are you scared of?

    9. 09 Repentance

    10. 10 Curiosity Is a Key

    11. 11 Einstein and Discovery

    12. 12 The Nature of the Journey

    13. 13 Embracing Change

    14. 14 Let Go

    15. 15 The Discomfort of Change

    16. 16 Doubts are Normal

    17. 17 Understanding Doubt

    18. 18 Doubts and Fear

    19. 19 Replacing Fearful Doubts with Trust

    20. 20 Faith and Surrender

About this course

  • $50.00 / month
  • 20 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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