Course curriculum

    1. 01 The Great Gift Is Disruptive

    2. 02 The Great Gift Causes Us to Die to Self

    3. 03 The Great Gift and Our Reputation

    4. 04 The Great Gift Reveals the Vastness of God's Love

    5. 05 The Great Gift Shows Up in Unlikely Places

    6. 06 The Wonder of Divine Love

    7. 07 The Wonder of Union

    8. 08 The Meaning of Wonderful

    9. 09 The Flood of Hypergrace

    10. 10 God's Wonder Transforms

    11. 11 The Mighty God Has All Authority

    12. 12 The Mighty God Rules ONE Reality

    13. 13 Speaking with Authority

    14. 14 Contradicting the Sermon at Church

    15. 15 Experiencing His Might

    16. 16 The Everlasting Father is Revealed in Jesus

    17. 17 The Father's Alliance with Us

    18. 18 The Father's Agape Toward Us

    19. 19 The Father's Affection is Personal

    20. 20 The Father's Affection is Permanent & Powerful

    21. 21 The Prince of Peace is a Person

    22. 22 Peace About Our Sin

    23. 23 Peace About Our Situation

    24. 24 Peace About Our Security

    25. 25 Peace About Our Future

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

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